
국민과 함께 보는 알기쉬운 국가살림 2020(영문)
제목 국민과 함께 보는 알기쉬운 국가살림 2020(영문)
작성자 정성호 등록일 2021-06-07 조회수 886

A Citizen’s Guide to the 2020 Government Financial Statement in Brief 

The annual financial statement is somewhat challenging to understand accounting terms and statistical data for ordinary citizens. 

This financial statement brief aims to explain how money was raised and spent in 2020 presented in an easy-to-read format, 

enabling citizens to take part in informed participation about government financial activities and fiscal integrity.

Were you wondering about these matters? 

How much money did the government collect and spend annually?:Revenues and expenditures 

Where did the money come from and how to allocate the money?:Revenues and expenditures 

Where did the tax money go and how to spend?:An expenditure trend by function 

How to organize and spend the fund?:Funds 

Did the government balance between revenues and expenditures?:Fiscal balance / Government debt 

What are the government’s assets and liabilities?:Statement of financial position 

What are the government’s revenues and expenses?:Statement of financial operations


  • 담당부서 : 정보분석지원팀
  • 전화번호 : 02-6908-8153
  • 담당자 : 정희민

Q. 이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대하여 어느 정도 만족하셨습니까?

평균 4.8점 / 18명 참여